UNIB organizes a webinar on the grieving process

May 25, 2022
UNIB participates in a webinar on the grieving process

The International Iberoamerican University (UNIB) will organize, on May 31 at 12:00 a.m. (Puerto Rico), in the webinar "Coping with grief in times of crisis," which will be conducted by Lidia Henriques.

The webinar aims to explore the theme of grief, its manifestations, and the positive and negative factors that influence it. It highlights in the approach, the challenge of the process in contexts of pandemic or war, which we have recently faced socially and psychologically.

Lidia Henriques is a clinical psychologist with a master's degree in palliative care. She is also a specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology and Senior Specialist in Psychogerontology by the Order of Portuguese Psychologists (OPP). She has training in the area of bereavement and palliative care in hospital settings, as well as in home care teams. Recently, it has supported the Amadora Compassiva project, which aims to "build a more human, present, and friendly city in the municipality of Amadora, in Portugal, to be an example of a compassionate community."

The conference is free and open to anyone interested in the topic, and it will be streamed live.

To check the schedules, please, access this link. To participate, registration is required:

Registration for the webinar "Coping with grief in times of crisis"

Registration ends 24 hours prior to the webinar.