
The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNIB), is an institution of postgraduate higher education which goals and guiding principles provide equal study opportunities for everyone. The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana is founded with an international vocation and is established as an observatory to analyze the complex phenomenon of mass global deployment of knowledge thanks to the opportunities and possibilities that arise from the use of new technologies, including the Internet or mobile technologies in education. It will be this analysis that will put this knowledge in people’s hands through high quality study programs adapted to the educational needs of each person. The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana establishes:

  • A student-centered learning model.
  • Technologies at people’s service and for the development and growth of the country.
  • A group of professors, students, and personnel committed to learning.

In this manner, the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana constitutes itself as a means to:

  • Procure the student’s complete education and prepare them as a global citizen in the use of and through Information and Communication Technologies and the Internet.
  • Develop a world class academy and research in distance education integrated in culture, society, and business in Puerto Rico, amplifying all technology, social, and business relations transference that supports the development of the country.

The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana articulates itself as a space for critical, creative and innovative thinking through the education and learning processes, and the scientific, technological and social progress that contributes to society by capacitating individuals, organizations and countries to evolve, reconfiguring their global relationships through the new social and technological media interactions, of a society that values information, encourages knowledge and co-exists through communication.

The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana considers the evolution process as normal for development and growth, specially enhancing the formation of individuals, considering them as global citizens that are:

  • Confident and prepared to contribute and become a part of the new global systems and orders without any inclusions or exclusions toward, and from any person, and/or human organization;
  • Respectful of any change and new ways of personal and social life that balance the individual with the collective liberties, unifying the local with the global in a coherent manner, allowing the development of all ways of thinking that do not undermine others;
  • Integrators and developers with ethics and justice for the progress of the human sciences, the arts, literature and techniques.