Webinar on the Final Project organize by UNINI Puerto Rico

January 27, 2021
Webinar on the Final Project organize by UNINI Puerto Rico

The International Ibero-American University (UNINI Puerto Rico) will organize, on February 2nd, the webinar "The Final Project: Last Stage to Obtain your Degree", given by Dr. (c). Vanessa Yélamos.

The objective of the webinar is to describe the stages of the Final Study Project, and the steps to be taken by the students.

The different strategies for choosing and defining the topic proposal will be described, as well as the academic regulations that students have to work with in this last stage of their training program.

The webinar is a free activity and will be streamed live. To consult the schedules, please, accessthis link.

Registration is required in order to participate:

Webinar Registration link The Final Project: the Last Step to Obtain your Degree.

The registration deadline is 24 hours before the webinar is scheduled to take place.