UNIB study reveals little-known aspects of the Mediterranean diet and its impact on health

April 02, 2024
UNIB study reveals little-known aspects of the Mediterranean diet and its impact on health

Dr. Mercedes Briones Urbano, researcher at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University, UNIB), is  collaborating in a study that addresses those overlooked aspects of the Mediterranean diet for a healthier diet.

The popularity of the Mediterranean diet has grown exponentially in recent decades, attracted both by its proven health benefits and its exquisite taste. Numerous studies have explored the effects of this type of eating pattern on human health, and the results have been consistently positive. However, what are the characteristics that truly define the Mediterranean diet?

This diet is known for its high consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil and a low intake of red meat and refined processed foods. But, there are other elements of the dietary tradition that are often not taken into account. One of the underestimated aspects is the consumption of whole grains. Although foods derived from wheat, such as bread, pasta and rice, are considered the basis of the Mediterranean diet, it is essential to consider consuming them in their whole-grain versions. Whole grains offer more fiber, nutrients and phytochemicals that help with overall wellness and prevent disease.

Another underestimated factor is the inclusion of legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices. These foods are often associated with a vegetarian diet, yet they are essential in the Mediterranean tradition. Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and beans are rich sources of vegetable protein, fiber and minerals. Nuts and seeds, on the other hand, have healthy fats, protein, and fiber and are ideal for controlling blood cholesterol levels.

The research also showed that eggs and dairy products play an important role in this diet, as the inhabitants of Mediterranean regions consumed eggs and dairy products on a regular basis along with other regional foods.

Lastly, it is also important to address food cooking methods. Most of the recipes include simmering, roasting and steaming, highlighting their simplicity while retaining the ingredients’ original flavors and nutrients. These methods avoid the excessive use of oils, frying and other processes that could deteriorate food quality. Likewise, an authentic Mediterranean diet involves local and sustainable food production, using more natural preservation methods such as fermentation.  These elements guarantee a smaller environmental footprint and a greater connection with the land.

If you want to know more about this fascinating study, click here.

For further research, check the UNIB repository.

The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNIB) offers the Master in Naturopathic Sciences. This program prepares professionals to educate and guide on the different aspects, modality of naturopathy, techniques, lifestyles and natural therapies that are in harmony with this practice.