UNIB researchers readapt a virtual learning environment evaluation tool

September 05, 2024
 UNIB researchers readapt a virtual learning environment evaluation tool

The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University, UNIB), in its work to promote online education, promotes the study conducted by researchers from the university, Emmanuel Soriano and Thomas Prola, who have improved and readapted an assessment tool for virtual learning environments of the European project of inclusive education called LOVEDISTANCE.

In today's digital age, the use of technology in education has become increasingly prominent. Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) offer students an alternative way to acquire knowledge and skills, especially during distance learning situations. However, it is important to verify that these environments are adapted to the needs of all learners, including those who may require inclusive education.

The main objective of the LOVEDISTANCE project is to optimize learning and academic inclusion through equitable distance teaching and learning. One of the key aspects in this project is the evaluation of existing virtual learning environments to ensure that they are adequately adapted to the needs of all learners, including those with special educational needs.

To carry out this evaluation, the researchers used an instrument called DELES (Distance Education Learning Environments Survey). This instrument was tested at a university in Israel, Levinsky University. While it was found to be useful in the assessment of virtual learning environments, it was also determined to be outdated and not aligned with the goals of the LOVEDISTANCE project, especially in relation to inclusive education. Therefore, a re-adaptation of the same was carried out, incorporating key aspects related to inclusion and offering a more systematized look at virtual learning environments from this perspective.

A quantitative and a qualitative method was used, where, in the first instance, the measure of consensus among experts was used to measure the statistical reliability of the responses. Subsequently, a content analysis of the answers provided by the experts was carried out to obtain a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the virtual environments evaluated.

The results of the study showed that the re-adaptation of the instrument for the evaluation of virtual learning environments in the LOVEDISTANCE project was successful and allowed for a more complete and accurate evaluation of these systems. Aspects related to inclusive education were systematically incorporated, which provides a comprehensive view of the needs of all learners in this context.

In conclusion, the evaluation of virtual learning environments is essential to ensure that they are accessible and appropriate for all students. The re-adaptation of the DELES instrument for the LOVEDISTANCE project allowed for a more comprehensive and informed assessment of these environments from an inclusive perspective. These findings have a direct impact on improving virtual environments and promoting equal opportunities in education. Therefore, it is vital to continue researching and updating assessment tools in this field to ensure inclusive and equitable education for all.

To learn more about this study, click here.

To read more research, consult the UNIB repository.

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