Master in Education with a specialty in ICT in Education

Master's Degree in Education with specialization in ICT's in Education
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The Master in Education with a specialty in ICT in Education is focused on training the academic staff in a way that the current educative challenges presented in the execution of teaching can be addressed with the support of technologies in the different levels of education. The master aims to offer specialized, updated, and multidimensional didactic education for the selection, design, and application of Information and Communication Technologies from this perspective where quality, creativity, and innovation in favor of educational improvement can be promoted.


General Outcomes

  • Offer a wide and updated education, and provide the basis for the development of academic and professional skills needed for teaching in any of the different contexts of teaching-learning that may be given.
  • Establish the professional practice in the current knowledge in new or little know environments of education; provide ideas regarding the nature of teaching and learning in general; and develop the necessary competencies, knowledge, skills, and practical resources to complete this theoretical basis.
  • Stimulate the critical reflection for a good theoretical education and its necessary practical application, a fundamental field of action; develop good judgment, good decision-making, and problem-solving; and provide tools of scientific investigation for the referenced contribution in innovative or current ICT topics.

Specific Outcomes

By completing this program, students will be able to:

  • Analyze the e-learning concept and virtual environments of teaching and learning, and distinguish the different types of virtual environments.
  • Identify the characteristics of teaching and learning in virtual learning environments.
  • Plan and evaluate learning processes in virtual environments, taking into account the context of teaching-learning, the methodological approach, and the interests, needs, and learning styles of the students.
  • Identify and manage the different resources and technological tools from the information and communication technologies.
  • Select and apply the different tools and resources in a creative way in the design of pedagogical proposals.
  • Identify the main theories of learning applied to ICT.
  • Relate the theories of learning with the use, selection, organization, and evaluation of ICT.
  • Identify the sociocultural theoretical postulates that establish the collaborative learning in a virtual environment.
  • Describe and value the technologies which benefit the collaborative work in virtual environments of teaching-learning.
  • Identify the theoretical basis which establishes the innovative educative proposals based on ICT.
  • Design and evaluate proposals of education based on ICT.

Target Audience

University graduates in any area of knowledge that are dedicated or wish to work in teaching and want to receive specific and specialized education related to the application of ICT in teaching; design of programs, courses, resources, materials, and learning environments; and training actions in the field of education (formal and informal) or corporate (editorials, multimedia producers, etc.).


The maximum time available to complete this program is 24 months. The credits structure of the Master in Education with a specialty in ICT in Education is as follows:

Core: 34 credits

Electives: 13 credits

Required: 13 credits

The student will accomplish a minimum of 60 credits.


FP101 Learning theories and methodological approaches in education N/A 3
FP102 Strategic learning and professional development N/A 3
FP087 Learning factors N/A 3
FP079 Tutoring action in the education system N/A 3
FP077 ICT in classroom. Education applications and use of resources N/A 3
FP078 Interculturality and education N/A 3
FP080 Conflict solution and transformation in the educational environment N/A 3
FP084 Environment education in formal education N/A 3
FP103 Fundamentals of special education: Processes of attention to diversity N/A 3
FP104 Organization and management of educational centers N/A 3
FP092 Methodology of scientific research N/A 3
FP105 Portfolio I N/A 1
FP109 ICT in education and learning theories N/A 3
FP111 Analysis of technological resources and design of creative activities N/A 3
FP110 Training in virtual learning environments N/A 3
FP076 Collaborative work in virtual environments N/A 2
FP112 Design and evaluation of training proposals based on ICT N/A 2
FP108 Portfolio II N/A 1
FP116 Portfolio III N/A 2
FPEE01 Master's Final Project Must complete 50% of the credits and FP092 10


Diagrama de Flujo para la Maestría en Educación con Especialidad en las TIC´s en la Educación


After approving the courses and the Master's Thesis, and satisfying any other academic, administrative, and economic necessity expected and required by the university, the following degree will be issued:

Master in Education with a specialty in ICT in Education