The International Iberoamerican University (UNIB) will organize, next July 11 at 11:00 a.m. (Puerto Rico), in the webinar "Practical aspects of supplementation in soccer players", which will be conducted by Jaime Sebastiá Ricó.
Training, nutrition and rest are the fundamental bases for health and performance in soccer, both at the professional and recreational levels. However, supplement use can improve, not only health, but also sports performance. This webinar will cover which supplements have the most scientific support and how to use them during the competitive season. J
Jaime Sebastiá Rico is a pharmacist and nutritionist from the University of Valencia (UV), specialized in Personalized and Community Nutrition. He is currently working on a doctorate related to soccer. At the same time, he works at the Clínica Universitària de Nutrició, Activitat Física i Fisioteràpia (CUNAFF) of the UV, consulting both the general population and athletes, as well as teaching undergraduate and master's degree students at the university.
The conference is both free and accessible to all those interested on the topic, and will be streamed live in each country on YouTube.
Broadcasting schedules can be consulted at the following link. Registration is required in order to participate:
Registration to the webinar "Practical aspects of supplementation in the soccer player"
The registration deadline is 24 hours before the webinar is scheduled to take place