UNIB highlights the importance of applying AI and other digital technologies in healthcare

July 24, 2023
UNIB highlights the importance of applying AI and other digital technologies in healthcare

The rector of the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University) (UNINI MX), Dr. Luis Alonso Dzul López, collaborates with the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University) (UNIB) to conduct a study that features the importance of applying AI and digital technologies in healthcare.

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is used in a variety of human activities, both individually and at the enterprise level. According to the modern dictionary, AI is a computer system capable of performing tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as visual perception, voice recognition, decision-making, language translation, disease detection, among others.

In healthcare, AI has become a potential tool aimed at disrupting people's "gold standard" lifestyle. This refers to the tendency of people to procrastinate and underestimate their health problems (such as diabetes, obesity, and other chronic disorders) which, if not treated in time, can cause permanent damage.

In this context, new technological systems play an important role in the process by facilitating access and delivery of treatment in real time. Since they help to overcome difficulties through the use of smartphones, websites, social networks, video calls, etc. In other words, AI can help in the management of diseases, to monitor their progress, and prevent complications.

Therefore, the aim of this research is to present the most common digital technologies and the application of AI in the field of nutrition, focusing mainly on the use of AI in the diagnosis and management of diabetes and obesity.

The study conducted by Dr. Luis Dzul has determined that, in the future, AI could pave the way for the development of personalized nutrition that will improve people's health and quality of life. Because, currently, the nutritional measures suggested to people are not always adjusted to the needs of each individual. Each person responds differently to nutrients in food due to various factors, such as age, gender, genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle habits.

Therefore, AI technologies will enable personalized and accurate nutritional and dietary recommendations; they will encourage guidelines to promote health and better manage diseases.

If you want to know more about this fascinating study, click here.

To read more research, check the UNIB repository.

Finally, the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNIB) offers the Master in Strategic Management with a Specialty in Information Technology.