Master in Education With a Specialty in Higher Education

Maestría en Educación con especialidad en Educación Superior
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Nowadays society in general demands new educational methods that require professionals with a multidisciplinary training able to face them.

These new educational needs have generated new areas and educational contexts, different from the conventional ones, which need specialized educational interventions directed by professionals with specific skills.

The Master's Degree in Education presents an educational program that seeks to fill a gap in the field of continuing training and in the field of education.


General Outcomes:

  1. Provide a comprehensive and up-to-date training, and provide the basis for the development of academic and professional skills necessary for teaching in different teaching-learning contexts that may occur.
  2. Professional practice based on current knowledge, in new or unfamiliar environments of education; provide ideas about the nature of teaching and learning in general; and develop the skills, knowledge, skills and resources needed to complete the theoretical basis.
  3. Motivate critical reflection for good theoretical training and its practical application, fundamental area of action, develop good judgment, good decision-making and problem-solving, and provide tools for scientific research for referenced contribution in innovative subjects or current of higher education.

Specific Outcome:

At the end of the program, students will be capable of:

  1. Analyze and evaluate learning factors.
  2. Analyzer and express the different learning theories and methodological learning bases.
  3. Explain and indicate the importance of tutorials in the educational system.
  4. Explain the importance of strategic learning and its influence professional development.
  5. Apply ICTs in the classroom as teaching resource.
  6. Design scientific research methodology.
  7. Manage school conflicts.
  8. Analyze the effect of interculturality in education.
  9. Analyze and discuss the difference processes to assist diversity.
  10. Organize and manage educational centers.
  11. Integrate environmental education in formal education.

Target Audience

This master's degree program provides comprehensive and up-to-date training, and provide the basis for the development of academic and professional skills necessary for teaching in different teaching-learning contexts.


The maximum time to complete the program is 24 months. The credit structure of the Master in Education with a specialty in Higher Education is the following:

Core Courses: 34 credits

Required: 12 credits

Electives: 14 credits


Master in Education With a Secialty in Higher Education
  Code Subject Pre - requisites Credits Contact Hours
Core Courses
FP101 Learning theories and teaching methodological bases N/A 3 45
FP102 Strategic learning and professional development N/A 3 45
FP087 Learning factors N/A 3 45
FP079 Tutorial action in the educational system N/A 3 45
FP077 ITC in the classroom. Teaching apps and use of ICT resources. N/A 3 45
FP078 Interculturality and education N/A 3 45
FP080 Conflict solution and transformation in the educational environment N/A 3 45
FP084 Environment education in formal education N/A 3 45
FP103 Special education fundaments: diversity assistance N/A 3 45
FP104 Organization and management of teaching centers N/A 3 45
FP105 Portfolio I N/A 1 105
FP092 Scientific Research Methodology N/A 3 45
Electives Optional Module: Teacher Training
FP106 Curricular design, planning and outcome development N/A 3 45
FP090 Learning evaluation N/A 3 45
FP107 Classroom learning methodologies N/A 3 45
FP088 Creation, adaptation and evaluation of materials N/A 2 30
FP091 Content and Language integrated learning N/A 2 30
FP108 Portfolio II N/A 1 15
Optional Module: ICT in Education
FP109 ICT in education and learning theories N/A 3 45
FP111 Analysis of technological resources and creative activities design N/A 3 45
FP110 Teaching in virtual learning environments N/A 3 45
FP076 Collaborative work virtual environments N/A 2 30
FP112 TIC Design and evaluation of ITC based teaching proposals N/A 2 30
FP108 Portfolio2 N/A 1 15
Optional Module: Organization of Teaching Centers
FP081 Strategic planning and management N/A 3 45
FP082 Project planning and management N/A 3 45
FP113 E-business and its integration with educational management corporate system N/A 3 45
FP114 Educational quality, evaluation and innovation N/A 2 30
FP115 Work group management techniques N/A 2 30
FP108 Portfolio II N/A 1 15
Required Thesis
FPEE01 Master final project N/A 10 150
FP116 Portfolio III N/A 2 30
TOTAL 60 900


Optative Modules

Maestría en Educación con especialidad en Educación Superior

Maestría en Educación con especialidad en Educación Superior

Maestría en Educación con especialidad en Educación Superior

Optative Modules

There are three optional modules for higher education professionals:

Optional Module: Teacher Training
FP106 Curricular design, planning and outcome development N/A 3 45
FP090 Learning evaluation N/A 3 45
FP107 Classroom learning methodologies N/A 3 45
FP088 Creation, adaptation and evaluation of materials N/A 2 30
FP091 Content and Language integrated learning N/A 2 30
FP108 Portfolio II N/A 1 15

Optional Module: ICT in Education
FP109 ICT in education and learning theories N/A 3 45
FP111 Analysis of technological resources and creative activities design N/A 3 45
FP110 Teaching in virtual learning environments N/A 3 45
FP076 Collaborative work virtual environments N/A 2 30
FP112 TIC Design and evaluation of ITC based teaching proposals N/A 2 30
FP108 Portfolio II N/A 1 15

Optative Module: Organization of Teaching Centers
FP081 Strategic planning and management N/A 3 45
FP082 Project planning and management N/A 3 45
FP113 E-business and its integration with educational management corporate system N/A 3 45
FP114 Educational quality, evaluation and innovation N/A 2 30
FP115 Work group management techniques N/A 2 30
FP108 Portfolio II N/A 1 15


After approving the courses and the Master's Thesis, and satisfying any other academic, administrative and economic necessity expected and required by the university, the following degree will be issued: