
UNIB organizes a webinar on Mobile Learning

February 11, 2021
The International Iberoamerican University UNIB) will organize, on February 18, the webinar "El Móvil Learning: Practical Approaches", given by Dr. Franahid D'Silva. In the webinar the speaker will…

UNINI Puerto Rico will sponsor the International Congress on Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention

February 03, 2021
The International Iberoamerican University of Puerto Rico (UNIB) will sponsor the 7th International Congress on Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention in Physical Activity and Sports, and the 5th…

UNINI will organize a webinar on Organizational Leadership

February 01, 2021
The International Iberoamerican University (UNIB) will organize the webinar "Agilidad y Colaboración: Más allá del liderazgo transformacional" (Agility and Collaboration: Beyond Transformational…

Webinar on the Final Project organize by UNINI Puerto Rico

January 27, 2021
The International Ibero-American University (UNINI Puerto Rico) will organize, on February 2nd, the webinar "The Final Project: Last Stage to Obtain your Degree", given by Dr. (c). Vanessa Yélamos.…